FERRI Check Test
At-home anaemia test
Iron deficiency anaemia is widespread in children and women of all ages, but mainly in women who are still menstruating (at least 20% suffer from iron deficiency). The main signs, such as paleness, fatigue, headache, rapid pulse or shortness of breath during exercise, appear gradually and may go unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to determine whether the existing iron is sufficient for the body's needs.
Iron deficiency occurs when the blood does not contain enough red cells and therefore has low levels of haemoglobin, which is the main protein that transports oxygen throughout the body. An important component of haemoglobin is iron.
Want to know if you suffer from iron deficiency? FERRI-Check is a rapid immunodiagnostic test which evaluates ferritin (a protein capable of storing iron in cells) from a blood sample obtained from the finger.
Ferri Check
Clinical Evaluation Results
Sensitivity: 100 %
Specificity: 92.86 %
Accuracy: 98.00 %
How to test yourself
1. Read the instructions.
2. Wash your hands with hot water. Dry them carefully to warm them up.
3. Use the lancet to take one blood drop. Fill the pipette up to the black line.
4. Put the blood sample in the well (S) on the cassette.
5. Add exactly 4 drops of diluent in the well.
6. Read the result after 10 minutes.
1 sealed aluminium pouch containing:
- 1 test device
- 1 plastic pipette
- 1 desiccant bag
1 sterile lancet for blood sampling.
1 dropper bottle containing 1 mL of diluent.
1 instruction leaflet.
Results Interpretation