ALLERGY Check Test
At-home allergy test
Stuffy or runny nose, sneezing or coughing, skin rashes and itching in the nose, eyes or ears are just some of the symptoms that can occur during an allergic reaction. It is a response of the immune system caused by hypersensitivity to various substances that are harmless to the body, which causes some of the listed symptoms.
Most often, an allergic reaction is defined as a hypersensitivity to substances known as allergens, which are usually harmless to most people. Immune cells incorrectly identify them as a threat. In response to this "attack", the immune system synthesises antibodies of the immunoglobulin E class, which leads to an allergic reaction of the body.
Symptoms can be very different, some of the most common being:
• Skin problems (rash, itching, pain, urticaria, etc.)
• Difficulty breathing, sneezing, coughing
• Itchy, red or watery eyes
• Stuffy, itchy or runny nose
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea
Do you suspect an allergic reaction? You can find out quickly with the new at-home allergy test Allergy-Check!
Allergy Check
Clinical Evaluation Results
Sensitivity: 98.52 %
Specificity: 93.90 %
Accuracy: 97.03 %
How to test yourself
1. Read the instructions.
2. Wash your hands with hot water. Dry them carefully to warm them up.
3. Use the lancet to take one blood drop. Fill the pipette up to the black line.
4. Put the blood sample in the well (S) on the cassette.
5. Add exactly 4 drops of diluent in the well.
6. Read the result after 10 minutes.
1 sealed aluminium pouch containing:
- 1 test device
- 1 plastic pipette
- 1 desiccant bag
1 sterile lancet for blood sampling.
1 dropper bottle containing 1 mL of diluent.
1 instruction leaflet.
Results Interpretation